The Alchemical Egg in Paris. Visions and revelations of an enigma

Coming across the alchemical egg is gliding into the Arcana Artis, following the egg is diving into the Great Opus.

The study of Ars Magna, practiced throughout Europe, Egypt and Asia, arrived in Western Europe by the translation of an Arabian manuscript and, from that moment, as an underground river, the interest for this philosophical knowledge and practice never faded.
A […]

2019-12-18T07:58:11+00:00mercoledì 14 Febbraio 2018|

Gigi Mariani on Umbigo

Gigi Mariani: the voice of metals

Gigi Mariani was always fascinated by the infinite potential of metals and the opportunity to transform their original properties and look to expand what can be reached. He uses the old jewellers, almost abandoned, techniques making them his own to give his work a distinctive character. He works with […]

2019-12-18T07:58:11+00:00mercoledì 14 Febbraio 2018|

The Alchemical Egg, nuova mostra a Barcellona, Hanna Gallery

The Alchemical Egg
Hannah Gallery by Klimt02
Riera Sant Miquel 26, Barcelona
4 October – 10 November 2017
Opening: 4 October 19:30

Twelve pieces, four artists, three colours and One Great Opus: this is The Alchemical Egg. An exhibition investigating the three stages of alchemical knowledge, interpreted by two goldsmiths and […]

2019-12-18T07:58:11+00:00mercoledì 30 Agosto 2017|
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